Mike Pence is a former United State Vice President. He served as vice president during Donald Trump presidency from 2017 to 2021. He is 48th vice president of United States Of America. Mike Pence Joined Politics in 2001 after being elected as in the House of representative in Indiana. He served in the house of representative from 2001 to 2013. In 2012 Mike Pence was elected as the governor of Indiana where he served till 2017.

Mike Pence

Later in 2017 He was selected as running mate of Republican presidential nominee Donald J. Trump. In 2016 Donald Trump and Mike Pence won the presidential elections by landslide.

Mike Pence Presidential Bid

Former United State Vice President Mike Pence announced that he will be dropping his bid for republican presidential nomination. He sited failure to raise enough money and gain good traction in opinion polls.

Mike Pence Said ” It’s become clear to me. This is not my time. So after much prayer and deliberation, I have decided to suspend my campaign for president effective today.”

Mike Pence

“We always knew this would be an uphill battle, but I have no regrets.” Mike Pence Continued.

Most people were amused by this announcement.

Pence decided to leave the race which has been dominated by his former boss Donald Trump. Pence really struggled to gather support and instead he decided to quit before he could get humiliating defeat.

Mike announced his decision to drop out of the race in Las Vegas in an event as he continued to voice his support for Israel.

Mike Pence has been Trump most royal lieutenant till 2020 after the presidential election where he lost together with his boss Donald Trump where Pence is viewed as a traitor.

By end of September Pence had $1.18million in the account and a debt of $621,000 this was according to his campaign filling record. Mike Pence is not independently wealthy to finance his presidential bid campaign without asking for donation in spite of having been in politics for a very long time.

The former vice president continued that he could still air his issues without continuing with his campaign. It is believed that there might be no much benefit to any candidate following his departure as he had very little support. However, he didn’t endorse any of his rivals.

“I urge all my fellow Republicans here, give our country a Republican standard-bearer that will, as Lincoln said, appeal to the better angels of our nature and not only lead us to victory, but lead our nation with civility back to the time-honored principles that have always made America strong and prosperous and free.” He said

Former president Donald Trump who was also sharing same stage but did acknowledge former vice president on the stage when he had a chance to speak. In a different meeting in Las Vegas Trump urged former vice president to throw his weight behind him.

“He should endorse me. I chose him, made him vice president. But people in politics can be very disloyal” Trump said in Las Vegas.